Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Better Breakfast, Better You and a Giveaway!!

This is a compensated review by BlogHer and Jimmy Dean, however the opinions and feelings expressed here are my own.

I am a bit of a health nut, especially when it comes to my kids!  Two of my kids are tiny.  Like seriously tiny. My oldest is not tiny, but the other two are.  In fact, I think I only have about another 6 months until my oldest is taller than me.  She’s not even a teenager yet.  Though since I’m only 5ft 1, I guess this was not that hard to do!  Even for this child I have always been very conscious of what I feed my kids.  This is a very big part of why I have a garden!  I shred my zucchini up and freeze it so that I can add it to almost everything I cook and bake!  I also add other veggies, wheat germ,  and other nutritious ingredients. 
Well, with my kids being so tiny, especially weight-wise I think it is even more important that I think through what they are eating.  I’m always re-evaluating how I do things.  With the new year coming up I always find it a great time to reassess everything in my life.  I’ve realized my kids are not getting enough protein.  I am just more of a fruit and veggies kind of girl, than a meat kind of girl.  We LOVE our salads, in fact my kids will beg for lettuce.  However, I think this means that my kids are not getting enough protein because we don’t eat meat a lot. 

We usually have Honey Nut Cheerios, or Hot Cereal for Breakfast. About once a week I make pancakes or eggs or something hot. I know that choosing a better breakfast, will help my kids and I stay on track and set the tone for the rest of the day. I think this is a perfect time to fit in some more protein. With the New Year coming up I want to add a resolution to make hot breakfasts more often, maybe 3 out of the 5 school days. A good way to add some protein into this new resolution could be to add some Jimmy Dean D-Lights products to our breakfast menu. I can see how their line of products could help by adding protein at breakfast as well as still being quick things to make in the morning rush!
FYI:  When I looked for these Jimmy Dean D-Lights, they were not with the sausages.  Instead, I found them in the frozen breakfast foods aisle! 

I love this time of year because it gives us that push to re-evaluate how things are going in our lives and what we can improve on!  I’d love to hear how you are going to make better choices this New Year’s season.  Leave a comment and enter for $100 gift card!
So, here are the details for the giveaway!!
Giveaway Dates:
$100 Visa Gift card
The rules page:
Visit the Official Rules  

No duplicate comments.  You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry methods:

a) Leave a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post

b) Tweet about this promotion and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment on this post

c) Blog about this promotion and leave the URL to that post in a comment on this post

d) Read the official rules for alternate form of entry.

This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older.  Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail.  You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.

BlogHer.com Round-up Page URL:
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Anonymous said...

I plan on walking more and eating healthy.

MCantu1019 at aol dot com

Mami2jcn said...

In 2011 I plan to Zumba at least 3 times a week and keep a food journal.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Mami2jcn said...



5wildkids said...

I have GOT to start exercising!

susan1215 said...

I plan on walking more and eating better by eating more fruits and vegetables and less sugar and junk foods.

s2s2 at comcast dot net

susan1215 said...


s2s2 at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

For 2011, I'm planning to quit smoking AND drinking pop. Wish me luck because I'm so going to need it!

Amber said...

I plan to work out on the wii 2-3x a week. I did 5x a week last resolution for most of the year. Baby steps getting back into it this year. Also, making fruit smoothies and healthy options everyday.

JC said...

I plan to do more yoga and jogging
tcarolinep at gmail dot com

JC said...


Ellie said...

I am going to try to quit smoking, again. I am also going to start eating breakfast, because I know how unhealthy skipping breakfast is.

Jeanentt said...

I'm going to extend my work out from thirty minutes to an hour!

Anonymous said...

This year I am drinking more water and less pop. I am also going to workout everyday and not skip a workout

Kelly Massman said...

I’m planning on trying to eat less fat and exercising more!! Thanks!

Tabathia B said...

I plan on buying and eating less snacks and take walks with my kids daily
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said...

tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I plan on exercising daily for better health, even if it's only for 20-30 minutes a day.

Unknown said...


NesieBird said...

I plan on eating less sugar and more veggies. : )

kneecree at gmail dot com

Wendi P said...

I currently exercise 5 days a week but really need to clean up my diet. I love junk food but it has to be eliminated for a healthier me. I am going to add fresh fruits and veggies instead.

parodi821 at yahoo dot com

Kristen said...

I'm planning to eat more fresh, whole, locally sourced foods, to drink less sugar, and of course, exercise more!

Beth said...

This year we're planting a garden, which means we'll be eating fresh vegetables more often and getting exercise with the planting, watering (no sprinkler system), weeding, harvesting, etc.

wordygirl at earthlink dot net

Kel said...

I am so glad for 2011...I get to wipe the slate clean. Love your reviews and I love these new Jimmy Dean products too!

bdiane34 said...

I will drink more water and get more sleep

bdiane34 said...

My tweet

Val said...


Val said...

I plan on cooking more in the New Year, being more mindful of what my family is eating.

Chanelle said...

Well, we will plant a garden again this year; nothing is quite like fresh veggies. But I also am going to call my mother more often. That is a bit more of healthy living as well, no? :)

nape said...

Typically, the words "exercise regimen" make me shudder. This week, however, I'm having major back surgery. I've vowed to follow the directions of my physical therapist. My way of doing things simply won't help me regain strength and mobility.

Thanks for a great giveaway!

nape said...

Tweeted you!

Anonymous said...

I plan on eating better and exercising a lot more this year. Thanks!

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...


shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

pestkaj said...

I plan to make small changes through the year, like eating more veggies and moving more.


marybug2 said...

I am going to walk, eat less fast foods and eat more veggies, salads and add Jimmy Dean D-Lights to my breakfast foods.

marybug2 said...

I tweeted
marybug2 at yahoo.com

Tracy R said...

I have been doing well with my exercise routine since October, so I plan to keep that up. The new thing that I plan to work on is eating more fruit and less candy!

Me said...

Priorities...Prioritize precious family time...prioritize healthy habits...prioritize prayer time...prioritize exercise...

More on blog at: http://thesimpsonstuff.blogspot.com/2011/01/10-for-11.html

The Sunshyn said...

I'm also trying to switch us to eating more protein. I think its a good combination to my getting more exercise this year decision.
chainmail (at) iwon (dot) com

The Sunshyn said...

I tweeted about this http://twitter.com/The_Sunshyn/status/22420899386888192

wigget said...

i will try to buy less sugary processed foods

Anonymous said...

I hope to conquer my afternoon chocolate craving and substitute something healthier!

tamiv said...

If I choose to snack,I'm going to try and do it only on the week-ends!

stormvikki said...

I am looking at buying an elliptical to add some variety to my workouts (they aren't cheap:) and to schedule frequent massages.

Amie said...

I do want to walk more...it's the only exercise I enjoy. amiedanny@msn.com

wizardewu said...

I will be more physically active.
eugeniewu (at) gmail (dot) com

Howell said...

I will make sure to stay hydrated when I exercise.
hlee99 (at) gmail (dot) com

KaHolly said...

I am going to try to be more physically active, esp. during the winter months. I notice as I age, I have less stamina. I always need to drink more water!!

Julie D. said...

I'm going to stop buying junk food and start buying more fruits and veggies.

jdawson02 at gmail dot com

Julie D. said...

I tweeted


jdawson02 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I'm focusing on being more relaxed and less stressed by doing daily deep breathing and relaxation exercises. When I feel relaxed and balanced, I do a much better job of staying on track with all my goals, both health and otherwise.

Courtney Peacock said...

I plan on procrastinating less. I always make excuses not to work out, but I am going to start exercising first thing in the morning from now on, and stop putting it off and making excuses.

Clarke & Lewis said...

to be more consistent with my yoga

Clarke & Lewis said...


Deb Anderson said...

tweet http://twitter.com/tnshadylady/status/23789361921269760

Anonymous said...

i plan ondrinking more water scg00387 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

http://twitter.com/#!/DesMoinesDealin/status/23852171367813120 scg00387 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

i am making sure i eat veggies with at least 2 meals..i can't just rely on vitamins anymore and i also am going to work to improve my good cholesterol level
nannypanpan at sbcglobal.net

KCMichigan said...

I am trying to spend better quality time with my kids!

kclements2001 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Kathleen said...

I plan on drinking more water and eating at least the recommended amount of vegetables daily.


Kathleen said...




April Yedinak said...

I am absolutely going to start exercising again- standing while eating doesn't count anymore.

Carolyn said...

I plan on getting more sleep and joining an exercise class

Angel Jacklyn said...


Angel Jacklyn said...

2ND ENTRY TWEET twitter.com/#!/kytah00/status/24563207376994304 kytah00@yahoo.com

Lynn said...

I'm planning on eating more veggies and drinking more water.

rawrms at gmail dot com

Lynn said...


rawrms at gmail dot com

Henria O. said...

I'll try to make organic choices whenever possible!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com

Henria O. said...

sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com

Carma Sez said...

I'll be keeping track on my calendar of the main things I eat each day and trying to fit in more veggies

Carma Sez said...

tweet http://twitter.com/#!/CarmaSez/status/25009698486878209

Unknown said...

I am going to make more homecooked meals

Unknown said...

My New Year's Resolution is that every year, from now on, I'm going to either learn something new or try something I've never done before. I always felt weird that I didn't know how to swim so this year I signed up for swimming lessons at our local community college. Not only will I learn a new skill, I'm hoping to get healthier with some much-needed exercise.

shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...


shel704 at aol dot com

Katie@a mom, a wife, and a me said...

I have been using smaller plates, no seconds (or thirds lol i cant help it I enjoy eating) and the wii and nap time has become my best friend.. oh and I gave up coffee, except one cup on sunday morning, I think its true what they say, if you give it all up at once you more likely to jump off the wagon!

Unknown said...

I definately need to drink more water and stay consistant with exercising.

Unknown said...

I definately need to drink more water and stay consistant with exercising.

bless their hearts mom said...

i have already cut out 90% of fast food and am really watching what I eat!

bless their hearts mom said...



Melissa said...

I am eating healthier and making doctor appointments. Health is a priority this year.

Melissa said...


Nicole said...

We're trying (slowly) to eat healthier (not order pizza every night we feel lazy). I joined a gym just before Christmas and am trying to go a couple times a week. I also just started a hoop dancing class. It's all fun and play and just happens to an intense core workout at the same time (but so easy to forget about that until you feel the bruises the next day and realize how much you are sweating). lol

Nana Laurie said...

We have started holding a morning devotional with the entire family spending a few peaceful moments together before we fly off to our busy days. It sets a nice tone for the day.

Shannon said...

I need to move more and find joy in everything and simplify. Easy peasy right? :)

Lauren said...

I am going to make better choices by SLOWING DOWN. Taking the time to think things through rally helps make better decisions, because then they are conscious decisions!

Nancy said...

My plans for 2011 are to try and cut back on as much processed food and sugar as I can for a healthier lifestyle.

Nancy said...

My tweet: http://twitter.com/njhhb/statuses/26071816342605825

Christine said...

I plan on making my kids sit down for dinner and flossing everday!

Abbie Johnson said...

I plan to stick to my plan--my menu plan--more and eat out less.
abbiejohnsoncm at yahoo.com

me/mom/NANA said...

I lost 90 pounds in 2009 and was up and down in 2010. I am going to watch what I eat closer and exercise more to lose those last 40 pounds in 2011.

Sewing-Chick said...

I think portion control is something I need to work on! I really don't eat all that much unhealthy stuff, however I eat ALOT! I gained 70 lbs when I was pregnant (yikes!). My son is almost 2. I lost the first 50 lbs without even trying, but these last 20 are being stubborn.

eclairre said...

I'm making a conscious decision to stop picking at my face. No more "just this once"s or "only whiteheads". (tmi? maybe.) IM GOING COLD TURKEY! lol.

Loonstruck said...

We're trying to figure out how to spend better time with our son. We're both feeling the pinch of financial stress and the kid just needs to be a kid. We've got a couple of good ideas in place.

MommytoAJ4 said...

I'm making the decision to remove weight through exercise and healthy eating. (I'm not going to lose weight because that implies I need to go find it again.) So far, in two weeks, I've lost 5.5 pounds.

Peggy said...

I've joined weight watchers and am walking more.

msme said...

My resolution is to get up 30 min early and get started on the treadmill...baby steps!

Unknown said...

I am now eating on a low-carb diet plan and working out 45 minutes a day, five days a week. Looking forward to a very healthy 2011!

epfaulkner at gmail dot com

Cheryl said...

I plan to enlist a buddy to work out with me and help hold me accountable for my healthy eating habits. Statics show if you have a support system, you are twice as likely to succeed.

Cheryl said...




Unknown said...

I am going to stay away from the drive throughs, drink less coffee, more fruits, love fruit and start exercising for sure.

gmissycat at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Tweeted here too


gmissycat at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Tweeted here too


gmissycat at yahoo dot com

Dee said...

I plan to eliminate some carbs ( I eat a lot yikes!) and introduce more protein into my nutritional meal plan, to exercise at least three times a week (just signed up for zumba) and to get more sleep (at least 7 hours 5 times week!) :)

deeg131 at gmail dot com

Dee said...

tweeted! :) http://twitter.com/DeeGee13/status/26704104415821824

deeg131 at gmail dot com

Tammigirl said...

My better choice is going to be to stop eating when I am not hungry any more. I usually keep eating until I'm FULL - then keep eating until I'm uncomfortably full - then sometimes, eat some more.

My taste buds are not going to run the show in 2011.

Tammigirl said...

Here is my tweet:


Cathy said...

Am getting back into my exercise routine

Cathy said...

I tweeted too


ms-texas said...

i plan on making healthier choices for meals and walking on my treadmill regularly


ms-texas said...




Anonymous said...

I hope to help my son eats more of a selection of foods this year.
I will do my best!!!!
Mary '

Debbie said...

I have set monthly goals that include exercise and I am hoping to meet them!

Debbie said...

Tweet: http://twitter.com/suburbsanity/status/26819270130270209

slehan said...

I swim 3 times a week and try to walk as much as possible.
Thanks for the contest.

slehan said...


EdgyK said...

I will exercise 3 x's a week.

Sarafan2 said...

Getting more excercise, walking more, and eating healthier meals each day. THis all would help me.


Sarafan2 said...




Rekaya Gibson said...

I plan to exercise and reduce my dairy and sugar intake.

Rekaya Gibson said...



Ruth said...

I would really like to try the Jimmy Dean delights .I plan to walk more on my treadmill I got lazy over the holidays.hbucket etude37@gmail.com

bikeohio said...

I want to add some Jimmy Dean D-Lights products to our breakfast menu.

Erin from Long Island said...

I plan to do more strength training and run at least one 5K this year`

Erin from Long Island said...



Unknown said...

I want to be more present in everything I do expecially things with my chikdren, eat healthier and getting moving at least 3x a week.

Nita said...

I want to eat a better breakfast more often.

Cindy said...

i just started the 2 wk atkins induction and this would be perfect

Karina said...

i'm planning on drinking much more water

karinaroselee at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I know a better breakfast can make a better day for me...I usually ditch it all together or eat so late that it messes up my eating schedule and metabolism. To better help this, I need to eat MORE throughout the day, Healthy foods...starting with breakfast. I know the "starve" is not good and the whole DIET thing I am SO tired of. With kids in school I don't worry about feeding myself "normal" anymore until dinner. I'd like to get to a point this year that I can be on track, eat like a normal woman again...where food is just FOOD and not an enemy, enjoy it and let be a tool to improve my rotten health. After that, I can work on getting my MOVE on again and stop being a couch slouch. Having chronic illness doesn't mean you should stop working on yourself just because you have been "dealt" a rotten hand...it means you have to work harder and better at keeping healthy!
Hope I can put that thought into action!

ejrichter60 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

tweeted this!


ejrichter60 at gmail dot com


Kerry said...

I am going to walk more miles on the treadmill this year.

Kerry said...

tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/KerryBishop/status/28287772892594178

abitnerdy said...

Wow, what wonderful kids who love to eat lettuce and other greens! Way to go MOM! )!

Jimmy Dean is found in my freezer aisle too!

abitnerdygirl [at] gmail [dot] com

abitnerdy said...

Wow, what wonderful kids who love to eat lettuce and other greens! Way to go MOM! )!

Jimmy Dean is found in my freezer aisle too!

abitnerdygirl [at] gmail [dot] com

teressm said...

I'm going to learn how to take care of me, which means prepare a healthy breakfast every morning, not just think about it. Just do it!!

busiemommie said...

I plan to eat less sweets, drink more water, and get back into a consistent exercise routine.

busiemommie said...

tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/busiemommie/status/29031009060130817

Anonymous said...


marcia goss said...

I plan to get outside and walk more.

marcia goss said...


Jason and Erin said...

I am off of caffeine! For real!

Sandyhere said...

I am exercising and eating the right foods for my metabolism. I have lost 10lbs already. I plan to stick it out until the lose all the weight I need to. It will be a long haul..just hopefully not a heavy one for too much longer. :)I will keep you informed.

Sandyhere said...

I tweeted:


Anonymous said...

My goal is to walk 10,000 steps per day and make healthier food choices. DaDivaStar69@gmail.com

Ambrosia said...

I'm making better choices this year by tracking every bite I put in my mouth! When it's in front of me like that, I HAVE to make better food choices!

Tanya said...

I am working on spending more quality time with my daughter and get my husband back into shape and movement since his major back surgery.

Tanya said...

I followed the link and did my response as another way to enter

Thanks for the chance to win!!!

Swedie said...

I've always loved Jimmy Dean Sausage! I need to cut out more of the sugar I consume.

Susan C. said...

I gave up soda on new year's eve, and am drinking more water. So far, so good!

angie lilly said...

One thing I am doing this year is adding at least one serving of FRESH fruit to my diet every day…not canned or frozen…FRESH!
14earth at gmail dot com

angie lilly said...

I tweeted here: http://twitter.com/#!/FotoMacro/status/31067819407839232
14earth at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I joined weight watchers and have been making much better choices in food!

gina.m.maddox AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...



JennB said...

I am working on loosing 50 lbs this year!

Laura said...

I plan to exercise more

Laura said...

I went to the official rules and used the form for an alternate form of entry

Scott said...

gradually transferring all my pantry items from traditional to organic/whole food based!
nynekats at gmail dot com

Scott said...

tweet http://twitter.com/#!/RePurrPussed/status/31093108619874304
nynekats at gmail dot com

Vallimasoos said...

Eating at home more! That is a better choice for us!

My hubby loves the d-lights!

Melanie said...

I plan to get outside and walk more.

melduke26 at gmail dot com

Amanda said...

I plan to buy more fresh produce, cook healthier meals, and to walk my dog more often this year!

Lexiquin said...

I'm not sure how (praying a lot, I suppose). I'd love to set a better example for my kids (I still have two at home) and take steps to ensure that I remain healthy. I have a grandson now, too, so would love to be able to keep up with him. Eating better and spending less time on the computer are two of my goals. Thanks for the giveaway.

Lexiquin said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/#!/lexiquin/status/31512729676161025

hendy said...

I got a treadmill for Christmas so I plan on being more active and walk at least 30 min.
hendymartin1 AT yahoo DOT com

hendy said...

hendymartin1 AT yahoo DOT com

Anonymous said...

I have joined an aqua aerobics program. I also am being more conscious of what I eat.
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

momznite said...

Bye bye white flour! I'm switching to whole grain products, making a better choice for a healthier me.

Carol W. said...

I plan to increase the intensity of my workouts at the gym.


Emily N. said...

I’m going to eat more vegetables and fewer starches.

Anne said...

I plan to exercise more and drink more water.
ajolly1456 at gmail dot com

Anne said...

I blogged

ajolly1456 at gmail dot com

Barbarawr said...

I’m going to live healthier this year – not fanatically healthier because I won’t stick to it, but I’m going to try to do a little more each day to be healthy.

Email address is in blogger profile

Barbarawr said...

I tweeted http://twitter.com/bsw529/status/31841148922241024

Email address is in blogger profile

~dab said...

I blogged http://simplydab.blogspot.com/2011/01/blogher-has-partnered-with-jimmy-dean-d.html

Unknown said...

I LOVE Jimmy Dean! YUM!! *slurps*
I'm trying so hard to lose this after-baby weight... shes 8 mo old and I've lost 15 lbs and I have 15 more to go! its a daily struggle to make healthy choices and be active. Hard to make enough time in the day, to take care of the baby and get my other little one to (and from) school, plus take care of myself, 2 dogs, the husband the house, but somehow I manage. (Moms do it everyday, but noone tells you how HARD it is! one was easy, two kids, totally diff! Lordy if I had more! ) Lord, grant me the serenity to not freak out over every little tiny mess. My resolution is to lose this weight!~
I am eating healthier and trying hard! .. Wish me luck!!! :)