Monday, December 13, 2010

Win a $100 Visa Card with Olay and BlogHer

This is sponsored content BlogHer and Olay.

I feel as though my life has run away, with me barely holding on to it! I moved into my new home last year, I am in my last year of getting my degree to be a teacher, and the years seem to just be going by faster and faster.
I am actually loving my 30s. I am smarter, more educated, and more assure of myself than I’ve ever felt. I also feel like I even look better than I ever have. You know, like a fine wine that gets better with time!? (I couldn’t help myself, it seems so appropriate even if it is lyrics from a song!). But now I need to pull some aspects of myself together a bit more.
I have always tried to think everything through when it comes to raising my children. The rest of my life I have kind of pushed back to the background. I am just at a point in life when a lot of things are finally lining up into place. My kids are all in school full time now, and I am so close to starting in my dream career.
So now is a great time for me to be focusing on me a bit more. I also am needing to put my best foot forward as I jump into a new career! I am so excited to finally be achieving my dream of becoming a teacher. Slowly, I’ve been trying to regain control of my life and I guess that my health is a part of this. I want to take the steps that I need to now, to keep my whole body healthy.
In what ways do you take care of yourself? What do you think is most important in keeping yourself healthy? What is most important in keeping your face healthy? What tricks or tips do you have for me or anyone else who is just starting to take care of their skin?
Thank you everyone for all your comments last week!  That sweepstakes ends tonight at 5pm.  But hold onto your pants…I get to give away another $100 Visa gift card (from BlogHer)!!!! 
Here’s the info:
I get to give away a $100 Visa gift card (from BlogHer)!
Sweepstakes Rules:
No duplicate comments.
You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry methods:
a) Leave a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post
b) Tweet about this promotion and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment on this post
c) Blog about this promotion and leave the URL to that post in a comment on this post
d) Read the official rules for alternate form of entry.
Sweepstakes ends 5 PM PST on December 20, 2010
This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older.
Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail.
You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.
The Official Rules are available here.
Also be sure to check out the other 14 bloggers' beauty stories for more chances to win! Exclusive Offers page


mamatamera said...

What another chance to win? Great! I think drinking lots of water is very important. It really shows in your skin.

barneyn said...


nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com

barneyn said...

I think getting enough sleep and drinking enough water is the most important thing you can do for your skin!

nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com

Elena said...

I must say drinking lots of water! and getting enough rest! I do drink the water and the rest not really but trying!

Mami2jcn said...

I think moisturizer is very important.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Mami2jcn said...


Tabathia B said...

I always use facial wash (oil of olay or clearasil)
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I try to sleep at least 8 hours. Drink plenty of water and moisturize.

MCantu1019 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I exercise regularly (sweating gets the toxins out of you!) and I drink a lot of water. Very simple stuff!

Kyle and Tara Williams said...

Commenting with hopes of winning!

Family Balance Sheet said...

I wash my face every night. I use a good moisturizer with sunscreen. I try to get 8 hours of sleep at night. I try to drink 6-8 glasses of water every day.

Family Balance Sheet said...

I tweeted:!/FamBalanceSheet/status/15166337726808064

Karen Nilson said...

eating right, drinking right (lots of water) sleeping right, exercising right, moisturing right--just plain living right!

Lisa said...

I clean my face every night and use witch hazel. I try to rest enough and reduce stress. It seems to work!

The Sunshyn said...

I think following my physical therapist's and doctor's orders is most important to keep me healthy, though its likely a matter of too little, too late after the injury which disabled me. However, it helps with keeping my face healthy in a roundabout way because I spent a decade without being out in the sun even briefly.
chainmail (at) iwon (dot) com

The Sunshyn said...

I tweeted

Wander said...

I can say that in my 40's (Life has been extra good to me)...drinking lots of water, resting appropriately and MOISTURIZING my skin have been the best things I could've done for me.

Dana said...

Hi :) Eating a good amount of natural foods ... fruit, nuts, veggies. Exfoliating with a good scrub.

danajean at live dot com

mandala said...

I think eating lots of fruits, exfoliating and moisturizing will help your skin stay healthy and soft. Thanks!
mandalarctic at gmail dot com

susan1215 said...

I use a moisterizer, try to eat healthy and get enough sleep.

s2s2 at comcast dot net

susan1215 said...

s2s2 at comcast dot net

cbryant81 said...

i cant wait to try this

Paige said...

I try to get as much sleep as I can, work out 5 times a week, and drink water water water. When all else fails, this moisturizer seem like it will do the trick!
paigewiley16 AT gmail DOT com

sodahoney said...

Healthy diet, lots of water, exercise, no alchol, no tobacco(walk 25 feet from smokers), no caffeine, 8 1/2 hr of sleep

sodahoney said...!/sodahoney/status/15533330950787072

batlorry at

Carolyn G said...

I exfoliate and then make sure I wear a mosturizer with suncreen everyday!

Jen said...

I have started slathering moisturizer on my neck at night. I don't ever want to get "chicken neck"!

Jen said...

I have started slathering moisturizer on my neck at night. I don't ever want to get "chicken neck"!

Pixel Berry Pie Designs said...

I make sure to get enough sleep, and also to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Melinda said...

I get 8+ hours of sleep each night to stay healthy!

Melinda said...


ahappygirl said...

I drink tons of water and try to rest whenever possible. I have a chronic illness and rest is key!

Leah @ A Butterfly In My Stomach said...

Sunscreen helps the most with young looking drinking water helps a lot. Stress never helps!

leahforlove at aol dot com

Leah @ A Butterfly In My Stomach said...!/leahforlove/status/15728816479543298

marcia goss said...

I believe that the most important thing to do to keep healthy is get enough sleep. It's amazing how much better you look and feel after a good night's rest.

marcia goss said...


AMY J said...

Definitely water, sleep and lots of moisturizer!

Unknown said...

The best thing that I can do for myself is get enough sleep and moisturize.

gmissycat at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Tweeted here too

gmissycat at yahoo dot com

Just call me "B" said...

I am working on a better skincare routine. Working on it! said...

I need a better skin care routine. I also need to remember to clean all the makeup off my face thouroughly at night before bedtime.

Jeanette Huston said...


Jeanette Huston

Unknown said...

my mom always told me to use eye cream, from an early age and it really has helped fend off those little devils
nannypanpan at

Anonymous said...

I think the combination of enough sleep, exercise, and eating right is most important.

gina.m.maddox AT

Anonymous said...!/CrazyItalian0/status/16317221072543744

gina.m.maddox AT

Anonymous said...

I think the most important thing I do is stay hydrated and take my makeup off at night! scg00387 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...!/DesMoinesDealin/status/16357426575974400 scg00387 at yahoo dot com

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

I think sleep and drinking lots of water have the biggest impact on me feeling good. I look better and therefor feel better about myself.

Tabathia B said...

tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Andrea Kruse said...

I try to hydrate within by drinking enough water and from outside staying moisturized.

Great giveaway by the way!
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

Andrea Kruse said...

andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I think the best thing you can do for yourself (and your skin) is to get enough sleep! Every single night. No matter what. Not that I do. But it's a great idea!

Unknown said...!/freebiefacts/status/16378647904526336

bless their hearts mom said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!

I find that hydration and enough sleep (very hard for moms on the go) is the key to better looking / younger skin!

bless their hearts mom said...!/BTHM1/status/16545683171450880


angie lilly said...

The one thing that I do to keep my face healthy is to stay out of the sun. I always use at least SPF 15 in my face lotion, even in the winter.
one 4 earth at aol dot com

angie lilly said...

I tweeted here:!/FotoMacro/status/16546075494064129
one 4 earth at aol dot com

Scott said...

Living a chemical free, vegetarian, eco-friendly lifestyle is the #1 thing that I do for whole body health, including my skin!
nynekats at aol dot com

Scott said...

my tweet!/RePurrPussed/status/16548343165489152
nynekats at aol dot com

Tammigirl said...

I've been told that wearing your makeup to bed is the worst thing you can do for your skin. The information I was given is that wearing makeup to bed ages you seven times faster.

My tip would be to remove your makeup before bed.

Anonymous said...

Regular exercise, adequate sleep, lots of water and healthy food are the best things you can do for your skin. If I'm not getting all of these, the first place it shows is the skin on my face.

dogsrock at insightbb dot com

Anonymous said...

My philosophy has been to use the best moisturizer that I can afford, but other than that, I try my best to age naturally and with grace.

nape said...

I have eczema (blech!), and I'm always searching for high-quality skincare products for my ultra-dry skin. I've learned I have to take the time to moisturize daily, and sometimes several times daily when the furnace is running full-blast.

I guess the most important lesson I work on each day is balance and moderation. I try to get away from the all-or-nothing thinking that inevitably stresses me to pieces.

Thanks for a great giveaway!

nape said...

Tweeted you!

ms-texas said...

i wash my face and moisturize morning and night


ms-texas said...

i tweeted about this giveaway


sodahoney said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sodahoney said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elkhorn Inn & Theatre said...

Green tea is my thing. When I drink at least 5 cups of it a day I feel 1000% better than when I don't. I know I don't drink enough water and should drink more, as well. I love the sun, have psoriasis and it helps my skin, so for me, the more sun the merrier, and at 51 I look pretty darn good, if I say so myself, so it apparently hasn't done me wrong! :-) I also use the latest & "greatest" of anti-aging serums, lotions, and potions, and am always on the lookout for the next fabulous thing- which I then buy on eBay to save $$$! :-)

Elkhorn Inn & Theatre said...

elisse @

hendy said...

the number one tip I have for someone who is just starting to take care of their skin is WEAR SUNSCREEN! I can't stress the importance of this. I also believe the best way to take care of yourself and your beauty is to exercise and eat right-simple as that right? :)
hmhenderson AT yahoo dOT com

hendy said...

hmhenderson aT yahoo DOT com

Betty C said...

The best tips are the ones I haven't done. In spite of all the things I've done wrong my skin isn't too bad. I drink lots of water and try to eat a healthy diet but that's about as far as I go.

Betty C said...

Tweet -!/willitara/status/16788610011373568

Sonja said...

Taking care of yourself from the inside (nutrition/suppliments/water) are equally important in keeping your skin healthy and young looking. Don't pass on the laughter either, a good laugh will wipe the drama of the day quickly away :)

Unknown said...

Take off your makeup at night before going to bed and moisturize. I'm also a big sunscreen user. Another tip, wash with warm, rinse with cold when washing your face.

shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...


shel704 at aol dot com

Aimee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aimee said...

The best thing you can do for your health is drink a lot of water & smile a lot :)


Aimee said...



Margie said...

I take care of my skin by using a good moisturizer and drinking plenty of water every day.

Tamara said...

Get plenty of rest, Eating the right foods make a major difference in taking care of myself and my family.

Anonymous said...

Adequate sleep (8 hours at least) and water intake are the most important factors.

pauleyd68 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said...

pauleyd68 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Ellie Wright said...

Now that I'm in my 40's I appreciate moisturizer, a good night's sleep, proper nutrition, and staying out of the sun. I don't mind aging, I just don't want to look the part.
Thanks for the giveaway!
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Erica best said...

This time of the year it so important to drink more water because i could feel my skin drying out from the cold and the heat in the house.

purple_lover_04 at msn dot com

Ellie Wright said...

eswright18 at gmail dot com

Erica best said...

i tweeted!/purplelover04/status/16944203493806080

purple_lover_04 at msn dot com

JC said...

Stay hydrated is the most important to my skin and health.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com

JC said...

Susan C. said...

Even if I can't do everything, I try to get enough sleep. It really helps.

Angel Jacklyn said...


Angel Jacklyn said...!/kytah00/status/16965730389991425

Unknown said...

I try to eat healthy, get lots of exercise, and of course lots of rest.

jenspurg said...

I think getting "me" time is important and sleeping, eating well and excercising help, too.

jenspurg said...


Tomi C said...

Just having a cup of coffee with hubby before the kids wake up is a joy. Just that one little quiet moment before their day starts.

Amy said...

Thanks for the great tips! Really love the giveaways!!!

slehan said...

I go swimming 3 times a week and drink water and do things that make me happy. Thanks for the contest.

Bonnie P said...

Keep moisturizer on your skin.

LAMusing said...

I take care of myself by managing my stress - nothing shows more in your skin or your general health

LAMusing said...


Norma said...

The most important things for your skin are plenty of water, sun protection and moisturizer

Lora said...

I can relate with you. I am finishing my credential as well with 2 young children and it is not easy. I make sure I drink a lot of water and take it with me to school, I take a fish oil supplement and wash and mositurize every day! Good luck!

Jessica I said...

I love Olay. Our family has been using it for years.